Joshua Paling

So, you've finished the InstallFest tutorial series. You're ready to stand on your own two feet, ditch the hand-holding, and move forward with good old fashioned Google and Persistence. Here's some suggestions on what to do next.

Most Important

Two things:

1. Finish the InstallFest tutorial. And understand it.

Hopefully you've already done that. But I've come across lots of people who gave up at step 2 or so. Persist to the end, and you'll have a pretty decent site.

2. Use your blog to… well… blog!

Make your blog your personal website, and actually write real blog posts. Write about everything. Blog about your errors and how you solved them. Blog about questions you had while learning rails, and the answers you came across later. Use. Your. Blog.

It doesn't matter if no one reads it. Heck… no one reads mine! It matters that you learn from the process of blogging, and that you've got your solutions / lessons / tips all in one place for your own future reference.

And once you've done that…

Make incremental improvements to your blog. Just pick one tiny feature, and implement it. Then, pick another. Here are some suggestions:


